Utility Information for Incoming Tenants

Red Apple, REALTORS now offers a concierge service to help you get utilities set up quickly!

Call 325-725-7060 and Brandon' or his team at Reliant will ask all the right questions and get

your move-in utilities DONE.  Power, water, sewer, trash and gas can be handled in one quick call. 

For Internet Service (plus FREE months AND a 3 year lock on pricing) call or text Joe at 325-513-9733

If you'd rather handle it on your own, here are some good numbers and sites:

Utility Information:

This list of contact information may be helpful for you as you get things ready for your new move in.  This info and much more can be found online.  You are not required to use these recommended vendors.  This list may have been sent to you via text as a courtesy.  Non-receipt of this list does not negate the fact that utility set up is the responsibility of the tenant.  None of our property owners pay for electricity or gas.   Only a few multi-family properties (but not all) offer to pay for water services.


  • Water: City of ABILENE
  • https://abilenetx.gov/401/Water-Utilities.  You'll need to fill out application online.
  • physical location: 4595 S. 1st Street
  • Water, trash and sewer is included in ONE BILL from The City of Abilene
  • Water: City of Tye
  • Www.cityoftye.org click on Government, permits & apps, manufactured home utility info; click on photo.
  • Print, Complete, and notarize the application.
  • Water:  City of Merkel
  • https://merkeltexas.com/utility-billing/


  • If you live outside the city limits, you may be responsible to PAY FOR monthly trash service separately!
  • Republic Waste Serives
  • kws@republicservices.com or 325-691-5974


  • Gas: Atmos Energy  (no other gas provider in ABILENE!) 1-800-460-3030


  • Electric: Reliant Energy 469-516-1483. OR
  • www.PowerToChoose.net is where you can pick and choose electric providers based on price/kWh and length of service.
  • Taylor Electric: Some neighborhoods are regulated and require you to use Taylor Electric. Ask your showing agent if your future home falls in the Taylor Electric area.  If so, a copy of your lease is required to be sent to billingdept@taylorelectric.coop.       
  • Taylor Electric:  325-793-8500


  • Internet: Vexus has a BONUS PACKAGE for all Red Apple tenants! Call or text Joe:  325-513-9733
  • Check out the Vexus 2 MONTHS FREE FLYER!
  • (If you have Taylor Electric, you'll be offered TaylorTel internet services.)


  • If you have an Abilene community mailbox, you must check out a key from the post office:

                      zip codes 79601, 79602, 79603 must go to the downtown post office: 341 Pine Street.

                      zip codes 79605, 79606, 79607 must go to the Southern Hills station at 2501 Buffalo Gap Road

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